Monday, October 12, 2009

A weekend fail!

Okay I was a big, lazy this weekend.... Saturday morning I intended to ride...I got up it was cloudy, looked like rain... I totally bailed...I did end up emptying some boxes in the apartment and doing laundry, so at least I was productive with house activities on Saturday. Sunday, I got up felt kind of achy and crappy. So morning run was out. Then as I got going during the day, I thought well I will run while daughter is in her class this afternoon. ha ha ha ha .... FAIL! Oh well.... there is this week....

I hope all that were busy this weekend with rides and races and training were much more productive than I !


  1. I got my 7 miles in saturday morning...but it took me FOREVER to get going! and i bailed on sunday nite swim...cuz of a weekend-long headache, which magically disappeared the minute i set foot in the office. no fair!

  2. You're not a failure because you didn't do what you thought you should do. You just changed your plans. That's okay. ;)

  3. Its ok to take some time off and relax and get caught up on things.
