Thursday, November 5, 2009

Enough with the ennui!

en·nui [ on w ]

boredom from lack of interest: weariness and dissatisfaction with life that results from a loss of interest or sense of excitement
[Mid-18th century. < French< Latin in odio (est) "(it is) hateful"]

This is my total mode at the moment! I hate it! I not sure what to do to break from it. I just can't seem to get jazzed about anything. Work is dead, dull and boring at the moment, my personal life has nothing happening in it, I can't seem to get back on the training stick (although I know that makes me feel better).


Good luck to my bloggy friends that are participating in B2B this weekend! I am certain you will rock! I can't wait to read race reports and live vicariously since I can't seem to get out my current state of mind.


  1. maybe a new hobby you always wanted to do. I know for a fact a new bike will make you happy ;)

  2. I'm there with you. Everything is blah right now. I think it's a reaction to the change in season and shorter days.

  3. it's the lull before the holidays??

    go read my friend petra's last post--it will inspire you!

  4. Sounds like you need to train for a holiday race. "Turkey Trot," "Jingle Bell Run." Something like that. :)

  5. Thanks for the B2B love! It REALLY helped. And it sounds like you've got your thinking in the right place - enjoy getting out there.
